Kit Needed:
• Sharp knife
• Roasting dish or oven pan
Shopping List:
• Boned & rolled leg of lamb or shoulder
• Good measure of British Barbecue rub
• Mixture of parsnips, shallots & butternut squash
• Full garlic bulb
• Few sprigs of lemon thyme
• Splash of olive oil

• Heat the oven to 170 degrees.
• Roll the leg of lamb in half of the barbecue rub, before glazing with oil and adding into a roasting tray.
• Bang into the oven for around 1 hour depending on weight for a pink colour, or add an extra half hour for no blood.
• Whilst the meat is cooking, peel and chop your winter vegetables into large kooky shapes, glaze with oil and then add the remaining barbecue rub.
• Remove the lamb from the oven halfway through cook, and arrange the veg, thyme and garlic bulb around the tray.
• Continue to cook for allotted time until nicely roasted and golden brown. Enjoy!